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The consumption of a subperceptual amount of psilocybin, creating a subtle experience, typically promoting a feeling of being slightly more receptive & open-minded, in-tune with others/your surroundings, as well as enhanced empathy, productivity, & creativity.
To experience the effects of microdosing requires multiple sessions, over an extended period of time and is incorporated into a & daily/weekly routine. 

A study in the Harm Reduction Journal, sited by  references that micro-dosing has been found to help with the following: 

Improved MoodPeacefulness, overall well-being, calmness, happiness, & a reduction in the symptoms of depression. This includes more emotional connection, a general sense of optimism, & an improved outlook on life.

Improved Focus: Covers skill sets like the ability to focus or concentrate & enhanced self-awareness.

Creativity: Aside from a general sense of improved creativity, this also includes behaviors such as being more open, enhanced curiosity, ability to shift perspectives, & divergent thinking.

Self-Efficacy: This applies to such behaviors as ambition, self-motivation, self-confidence, & a sense of agency. It also relates to improved mental health, including increased introspection, the practice of meditation, & other aspects of behaviors tied to self-care.

Improved Energy: In this case, “energy” refers to things like mental stimulation, wakefulness, & alertness.

Social Benefits: Outside of more engagement with others, this category also includes more empathy, a greater sense of connection, & more extroversion.

Cognitive Benefits: When micro-dosing, users experience heightened mental clarity, better memory recall, & improved problem-solving ability.

Reduced Anxiety: This applies to a reduction in both general & social anxiety.

Physiological enhancements: Includes enhanced visual acuity, cardio endurance, reduction of migraines & headaches, & higher sleep quality.

While a microdose is considered to be anywhere from 0.15-0.2g, we recommend you start your dosing amounts low & work from there to determine if you could benefit from an increase.

Additionally, it is important to trial your first dose on a day that you do not work or have any obligations. This is because some individuals can be hypersensitive to the effects of psilocybin & while our microdosing capsules & standard chocolate bar squares are typically within a comfortable range for the majority of individuals, this precaution is important for self-awareness. 

Keep in mind that while on the first day you may feel exceptional results, on the second you should experience roughly half as much as the first day, & finally on the third should be unnoticeable. 

A recommended Beginners Microdose Schedule is anywhere from 0.15-0.3g taken every 3 days, as suggested by Dr. James Fadiman (author of Psychedelic Explorer’s Guide), to prevent tolerance changes over time. 

Beginners Microdose Schedule:
Week 1: Mon/Thu/Sun
Week 2: Wed/Sat
Week 3: Tue/Fri
Week 4: Mon/Thu/Sun

Taking your microdose in the morning at breakfast has proven to be the most beneficial to allow you to utilize the effects throughout your day, while taking it in the evening can interrupt your sleep schedule. 

Taking psilocybin in any quantity before sleeping has been known to promote intense dreaming and often psychologically confronting scenarios. This is especially true if you have been avoiding any specific memories or experiences.

We also recommend you consider taking your microdose with food to help minimize any stomach upset or digestive discomfort. Many find that taking natural anti-nausea supplements at the same time beneficial (ie: ginger, mint, honey). 

Yes, you can go to work. No, others will not notice.

Microdosing is safe to do prior to going to work, after you have confirmed your proper subperceptual dose.

It is important to ensure you trial your dose amount on a day you have no obligations to ensure you are not hypersensitive to psilocybin & require a smaller dose than the average person.

Janet L. Chang, AAPI Mental Health advocate with a Bachelor of Science in Cognitive Neuroscience from Brown University, suggests these seven following areas to track while microdosing to determine if your dose is right for you: 

  1. Mental: Notice the thoughts running through your mind. Are they the same as usual, or different in nature? Are you having more or fewer thoughts than usual? In general, is your mind more clear or more cluttered?
  2. Creative: Are you finding new qualities in things, like stories in objects? Do you find your mind wandering in directions it doesn’t usually? Are you getting more ideas than usual? Do solutions to problems come more easily?
  3. Emotional: Do your feelings take on any different qualities than before? Are there more or fewer feelings experienced than usual? How quickly do you process them before reaching a resolution and moving on? Is sex better, or a different quality?
  4. Social: How are you expressing your thoughts & feelings? Are there any changes in the pacing, tone, or nature of your speech? What about your facial expressions? Do you smile more or less? What frequency do you agree or disagree with someone in conversation? Do you talk differently with your coworkers, spouse, friends and family? The barista at the local coffee shop?
  5. Body: Take a look at how aware (or not aware) you are of your body. Now zoom in on the body by closing your eyes & taking a few deep breaths. Slow your mind and place your full attention on any sensations in your body. Do you notice anything?
  6. Capabilities: Notice if you’re more able to complete certain tasks than usual. This might manifest as changes in attention span, physical/visual acuity, verbal fluidity, problem solving ability, empathy, different areas of awareness, & so on.
  7. Outlook: Are you more positive or negative? More optimistic or pessimistic? More or less skeptical? More fearful and guarded, or open to possibilities.
    Feelings of oneness, universality, truth, connectedness, love, & peace are also in this area. 

Read her full article here

Best taken intermittently to gain insights & break through moments to assist in sorting priorities & values, with a potential to cause major shifts in perspective. It is important to ensure you are prepared for a major personal transformation that could radically impact your experience of life. While not everyone has this extreme of an experience, the potential is always present.

Benefits of macrodosing include: 

  • -Strong euphoria / excitement
  • -Sense of peace
  • -Mystical experience & feelings of wonder
  • -Life changing introspective / philosophical insights
  • -Ego death (with megadoses)
  • -Spiritual awakening 
  • -Increased flow of ideas
  • -Increased & enhanced senses
  • -Enhanced appreciation for music, art, etc.
  • -Finding otherwise mundane things funny / interesting
  • -Strong body high
  • -Amplification of current emotions
  • -Visuals (e.g. patterns, auras) 
  • -Feeling of deep connectivity to people, pets, or nature
  • -Synesthesia
  • -Time dilation / contraction (time passing more slowly / quickly)
  • -Sedation
  • -Unique physical sensations
  • -Depersonalization / dreamlike state
  • -Altered perceptions of physical forms 
  • -End of Life Therapy
  • -Treating alcohol & nicotine addictions
  • -Treating mood disorders including depression & anxiety 
  • -Treating PTSD & OCD
  • -Treating Disordered Eating 

While a typical macrodose is 2-3g, keep in mind that individual hypersensitivity can effect this. Individuals who are hypersensitive have reported having comfortable macrodoses starting as low as 1.5g & experience effects within 10-15mins instead of the typical 30-45mins

  1. ChewThis is the most common way to consume dehydrated mushrooms & the most efficient but it can also be less palatable as the mushrooms have a bitter earthy taste. Effects will typically begin around 30-45mins after consumption, though eating them on an empty stomach can cause effects to start quicker & as well as a potentially stronger experience. 
  2. Brew: Simply chop, tear, or grind your dehydrated mushrooms & add your weighed dose to a tea bag or steep in a mug or tea pot directly. Add water at a near boil (195-200°F), covering and steeping for 10mins. Do not add boiling water, as high temperatures will compromise active ingredients. Finally, strain before drinking.  *Adding lemon, ginger, &/or honey is often recommended for both flavour & to lessen stomach cramps though success varies from person to person. 
  3. Capsules:  Typically the method of choice for microdosing, though some prefer to use this method for macrodosing as well. This option hides all taste & makes consumption very discrete. Pre-filled vegan capsules can be purchased directly from us or you can fill your own at home
  4. EatMushrooms can be made into psilocybin edibles & added to most foods, however it is important to add them after the cooking stag has been completed. Psilocybin properties are easily destroyed by high heats.